Jan Keteleer

Dare to jump (2024)

50x40 cm ~ Peinture, Peinture numérique

729 € Livraison vers France incluse
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In the expressive artwork by Jan Keteleer, a woman clad in a swimsuit is captured in the midst of a bold leap into the calm yet mysteriously edgy sea. No other souls share her company, amplifying the theme of solitude and the monumental choices that sculpt our life's path. The painting, rendered in a distinctive expressionistic style, digitally crafted and presented on a wooden panel, carries a profound narrative about taking new steps into the unknown. The choice of a retro aesthetic, reminiscent of the 1950s, further enriches the visual narrative, imbuing it with a complex nostalgia that speaks to the timeless nature of its themes. This piece not only showcases Keteleer’s remarkable ability to fuse form and content but also invites viewers to contemplate the solitary nature of our journeys and the bravery required to confront the unknown.

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